
Type hierarchy design

AbstractDataFrame is an abstract type that provides an interface for data frame types. It is not intended as a fully generic interface for working with tabular data, which is the role of interfaces defined by Tables.jl instead.

DataFrame is the most fundamental subtype of AbstractDataFrame, which stores a set of columns as AbstractVector objects. Indexing of all stored columns must be 1-based. Also, all functions exposed by DataFrames.jl API make sure to collect passed AbstractRange source columns before storing them in a DataFrame.

SubDataFrame is an AbstractDataFrame subtype representing a view into a DataFrame. It stores only a reference to the parent DataFrame and information about which rows and columns from the parent are selected (both as integer indices referring to the parent). Typically it is created using the view function or is returned by indexing into a GroupedDataFrame object.

GroupedDataFrame is a type that stores the result of a grouping operation performed on an AbstractDataFrame. It is intended to be created as a result of a call to the groupby function.

DataFrameRow is a view into a single row of an AbstractDataFrame. It stores only a reference to a parent DataFrame and information about which row and columns from the parent are selected (both as integer indices referring to the parent). The DataFrameRow type supports iteration over columns of the row and is similar in functionality to the NamedTuple type, but allows for modification of data stored in the parent DataFrame and reflects changes done to the parent after the creation of the view. Typically objects of the DataFrameRow type are encountered when returned by the eachrow function, or when accessing a single row of a DataFrame or SubDataFrame via getindex or view.

The eachrow function returns a value of the DataFrameRows type, which serves as an iterator over rows of an AbstractDataFrame, returning DataFrameRow objects. The DataFrameRows is a subtype of AbstractVector and supports its interface with the exception that it is read-only.

Similarly, the eachcol function returns a value of the DataFrameColumns type, which is not an AbstractVector, but supports most of its API. The key differences are that it is read-only and that the keys function returns a vector of Symbols (and not integers as for normal vectors).

Note that DataFrameRows and DataFrameColumns are not exported and should not be constructed directly, but using the eachrow and eachcol functions.

The RepeatedVector and StackedVector types are subtypes of AbstractVector and support its interface with the exception that they are read only. Note that they are not exported and should not be constructed directly, but they are columns of a DataFrame returned by stack with view=true.

The ByRow type is a special type used for selection operations to signal that the wrapped function should be applied to each element (row) of the selection.

The AsTable type is a special type used for selection operations to signal that the columns selected by a wrapped selector should be passed as a NamedTuple to the function or to signal that it is requested to expand the return value of a transformation into multiple columns.

The design of handling of columns of a DataFrame

When a DataFrame is constructed columns are copied by default. You can disable this behavior by setting copycols keyword argument to false. The exception is if an AbstractRange is passed as a column, then it is always collected to a Vector.

Also functions that transform a DataFrame to produce a new DataFrame perform a copy of the columns, unless they are passed copycols=false (available only for functions that could perform a transformation without copying the columns). Examples of such functions are vcat, hcat, filter, dropmissing, getindex, copy or the DataFrame constructor mentioned above.

The generic single-argument constructor DataFrame(table) has copycols=nothing by default, meaning that columns are copied unless table signals that a copy of columns doesn't need to be made (this is done by wrapping the source table in Tables.CopiedColumns). CSV.jl does this when CSV.read(file, DataFrame) is called, since columns are built only for the purpose of use in a DataFrame constructor. Another example is Arrow.Table, where arrow data is inherently immutable so columns can't be accidentally mutated anyway. To be able to mutate arrow data, columns must be materialized, which can be accomplished via DataFrame(arrow_table, copycols=true).

On the contrary, functions that create a view of a DataFrame do not by definition make copies of the columns, and therefore require particular caution. This includes view, which returns a SubDataFrame or a DataFrameRow, and groupby, which returns a GroupedDataFrame.

A partial exception to this rule is the stack function with view=true which creates a DataFrame that contains views of the columns from the source DataFrame.

In-place functions whose names end with ! (like sort! or dropmissing!, setindex!, push!, append!) may mutate the column vectors of the DataFrame they take as an argument. These functions are safe to call due to the rules described above, except when a view of the DataFrame is in use (via a SubDataFrame, a DataFrameRow or a GroupedDataFrame). In the latter case, calling such a function on the parent might corrupt the view, which make trigger errors, silently return invalid data or even cause Julia to crash. The same caution applies when DataFrame was created using columns of another DataFrame without copying (for instance when copycols=false in functions such as DataFrame or hcat).

It is possible to have a direct access to a column col of a DataFrame df (e.g. this can be useful in performance critical code to avoid copying), using one of the following methods:

  • via the getproperty function using the syntax df.col;
  • via the getindex function using the syntax df[!, :col] (note this is in contrast to df[:, :col] which copies);
  • by creating a DataFrameColumns object using the eachcol function;
  • by calling the parent function on a view of a column of the DataFrame, e.g. parent(@view df[:, :col]);
  • by storing the reference to the column before creating a DataFrame with copycols=false;

A column obtained from a DataFrame using one of the above methods should not be mutated without caution because:

  • resizing a column vector will corrupt its parent DataFrame and any associated views as methods only check the length of the column when it is added to the DataFrame and later assume that all columns have the same length;
  • reordering values in a column vector (e.g. using sort!) will break the consistency of rows with other columns, which will also affect views (if any);
  • changing values contained in a column vector is acceptable as long as it is not used as a grouping column in a GroupedDataFrame created based on the DataFrame.

Types specification


An abstract type for which all concrete types expose an interface for working with tabular data.

An AbstractDataFrame is a two-dimensional table with Symbols or strings for column names.

DataFrames.jl defines two types that are subtypes of AbstractDataFrame: DataFrame and SubDataFrame.

Indexing and broadcasting

AbstractDataFrame can be indexed by passing two indices specifying row and column selectors. The allowed indices are a superset of indices that can be used for standard arrays. You can also access a single column of an AbstractDataFrame using getproperty and setproperty! functions. Columns can be selected using integers, Symbols, or strings. In broadcasting AbstractDataFrame behavior is similar to a Matrix.

A detailed description of getindex, setindex!, getproperty, setproperty!, broadcasting and broadcasting assignment for data frames is given in the "Indexing" section of the manual.


A type having a special meaning in source => transformation => destination selection operations supported by combine, select, select!, transform, transform!, subset, and subset!.

If AsTable(cols) is used in source position it signals that the columns selected by the wrapped selector cols should be passed as a NamedTuple to the function.

If AsTable is used in destination position it means that the result of the transformation operation is a vector of containers (or a single container if ByRow(transformation) is used) that should be expanded into multiple columns using keys to get column names.


julia> df1 = DataFrame(a=1:3, b=11:13)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11
   2 │     2     12
   3 │     3     13

julia> df2 = select(df1, AsTable([:a, :b]) => ByRow(identity))
3×1 DataFrame
 Row │ a_b_identity
     │ NamedTuple…
   1 │ (a = 1, b = 11)
   2 │ (a = 2, b = 12)
   3 │ (a = 3, b = 13)

julia> select(df2, :a_b_identity => AsTable)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11
   2 │     2     12
   3 │     3     13

julia> select(df1, AsTable([:a, :b]) => ByRow(nt -> map(x -> x^2, nt)) => AsTable)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1    121
   2 │     4    144
   3 │     9    169
DataFrame <: AbstractDataFrame

An AbstractDataFrame that stores a set of named columns.

The columns are normally AbstractVectors stored in memory, particularly a Vector, PooledVector or CategoricalVector.


DataFrame(pairs::Pair...; makeunique::Bool=false, copycols::Bool=true)
DataFrame(pairs::AbstractVector{<:Pair}; makeunique::Bool=false, copycols::Bool=true)
DataFrame(ds::AbstractDict; copycols::Bool=true)
DataFrame(; kwargs..., copycols::Bool=true)

          makeunique::Bool=false, copycols::Bool=true)

DataFrame(table; copycols::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing)
DataFrame(::GroupedDataFrame; keepkeys::Bool=true)

Keyword arguments

  • copycols : whether vectors passed as columns should be copied; by default set to true and the vectors are copied; if set to false then the constructor will still copy the passed columns if it is not possible to construct a DataFrame without materializing new columns. Note the copycols=nothing default in the Tables.jl compatible constructor; it is provided as certain input table types may have already made a copy of columns or the columns may otherwise be immutable, in which case columns are not copied by default. To force a copy in such cases, or to get mutable columns from an immutable input table (like Arrow.Table), pass copycols=true explicitly.
  • makeunique : if false (the default), an error will be raised

(note that not all constructors support these keyword arguments)

Details on behavior of different constructors

It is allowed to pass a vector of Pairs, a list of Pairs as positional arguments, or a list of keyword arguments. In this case each pair is considered to represent a column name to column value mapping and column name must be a Symbol or string. Alternatively a dictionary can be passed to the constructor in which case its entries are considered to define the column name and column value pairs. If the dictionary is a Dict then column names will be sorted in the returned DataFrame.

In all the constructors described above column value can be a vector which is consumed as is or an object of any other type (except AbstractArray). In the latter case the passed value is automatically repeated to fill a new vector of the appropriate length. As a particular rule values stored in a Ref or a 0-dimensional AbstractArray are unwrapped and treated in the same way.

It is also allowed to pass a vector of vectors or a matrix as as the first argument. In this case the second argument must be a vector of Symbols or strings specifying column names, or the symbol :auto to generate column names x1, x2, ... automatically. Note that in this case if the first argument is a matrix and copycols=false the columns of the created DataFrame will be views of columns the source matrix.

If a single positional argument is passed to a DataFrame constructor then it is assumed to be of type that implements the Tables.jl interface using which the returned DataFrame is materialized.

Finally it is allowed to construct a DataFrame from a DataFrameRow or a GroupedDataFrame. In the latter case the keepkeys keyword argument specifies whether the resulting DataFrame should contain the grouping columns of the passed GroupedDataFrame and the order of rows in the result follows the order of groups in the GroupedDataFrame passed.


The DataFrame constructor by default copies all columns vectors passed to it. Pass the copycols=false keyword argument (where supported) to reuse vectors without copying them.

By default an error will be raised if duplicates in column names are found. Pass makeunique=true keyword argument (where supported) to accept duplicate names, in which case they will be suffixed with _i (i starting at 1 for the first duplicate).

If an AbstractRange is passed to a DataFrame constructor as a column it is always collected to a Vector (even if copycols=false). As a general rule AbstractRange values are always materialized to a Vector by all functions in DataFrames.jl before being stored in a DataFrame.

DataFrame can store only columns that use 1-based indexing. Attempting to store a vector using non-standard indexing raises an error.

The DataFrame type is designed to allow column types to vary and to be dynamically changed also after it is constructed. Therefore DataFrames are not type stable. For performance-critical code that requires type-stability either use the functionality provided by select/transform/combine functions, use Tables.columntable and Tables.namedtupleiterator functions, use barrier functions, or provide type assertions to the variables that hold columns extracted from a DataFrame.

Metadata: this function preserves all table and column-level metadata. As a special case if a GroupedDataFrame is passed then only :note-style metadata from parent of the GroupedDataFrame is preserved.


julia> DataFrame((a=[1, 2], b=[3, 4])) # Tables.jl table constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      3
   2 │     2      4

julia> DataFrame([(a=1, b=0), (a=2, b=0)]) # Tables.jl table constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame("a" => 1:2, "b" => 0) # Pair constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame([:a => 1:2, :b => 0]) # vector of Pairs constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame(Dict(:a => 1:2, :b => 0)) # dictionary constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame(a=1:2, b=0) # keyword argument constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame([[1, 2], [0, 0]], [:a, :b]) # vector of vectors constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0

julia> DataFrame([1 0; 2 0], :auto) # matrix constructor
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x1     x2
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      0
   2 │     2      0
DataFrameRow{<:AbstractDataFrame, <:AbstractIndex}

A view of one row of an AbstractDataFrame.

A DataFrameRow is returned by getindex or view functions when one row and a selection of columns are requested, or when iterating the result of the call to the eachrow function.

The DataFrameRow constructor can also be called directly:

DataFrameRow(parent::AbstractDataFrame, row::Integer, cols=:)

A DataFrameRow supports the iteration interface and can therefore be passed to functions that expect a collection as an argument. Its element type is always Any.

Indexing is one-dimensional like specifying a column of a DataFrame. You can also access the data in a DataFrameRow using the getproperty and setproperty! functions and convert it to a Tuple, NamedTuple, or Vector using the corresponding functions.

If the selection of columns in a parent data frame is passed as : (a colon) then DataFrameRow will always have all columns from the parent, even if they are added or removed after its creation.


julia> df = DataFrame(a=repeat([1, 2], outer=[2]),
                      b=repeat(["a", "b"], inner=[2]),
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b       c
     │ Int64  String  Int64
   1 │     1  a           1
   2 │     2  a           2
   3 │     1  b           3
   4 │     2  b           4

julia> df[1, :]
 Row │ a      b       c
     │ Int64  String  Int64
   1 │     1  a           1

julia> @view df[end, [:a]]
 Row │ a
     │ Int64
   4 │     2

julia> eachrow(df)[1]
 Row │ a      b       c
     │ Int64  String  Int64
   1 │     1  a           1

julia> Tuple(df[1, :])
(1, "a", 1)

julia> NamedTuple(df[1, :])
(a = 1, b = "a", c = 1)

julia> Vector(df[1, :])
3-element Vector{Any}:

The result of a groupby operation on an AbstractDataFrame; a view into the AbstractDataFrame grouped by rows.

Not meant to be constructed directly, see groupby.

One can get the names of columns used to create GroupedDataFrame using the groupcols function. Similarly the groupindices function returns a vector of group indices for each row of the parent data frame.

After its creation, a GroupedDataFrame reflects the grouping of rows that was valid at its creation time. Therefore grouping columns of its parent data frame must not be mutated, and rows must not be added nor removed from it. To safeguard the user against such cases, if the number of rows in the parent data frame changes then trying to use GroupedDataFrame will throw an error. However, one can add or remove columns to the parent data frame without invalidating the GroupedDataFrame provided that columns used for grouping are not changed.


Key for one of the groups of a GroupedDataFrame. Contains the values of the corresponding grouping columns and behaves similarly to a NamedTuple, but using it to index its GroupedDataFrame is more efficient than using the equivalent Tuple and NamedTuple, and much more efficient than using the equivalent AbstractDict.

Instances of this type are returned by keys(::GroupedDataFrame) and are not meant to be constructed directly.

Indexing fields of GroupKey is allowed using an integer, a Symbol, or a string. It is also possible to access the data in a GroupKey using the getproperty function. A GroupKey can be converted to a Tuple, NamedTuple, a Vector, or a Dict. When converted to a Dict, the keys of the Dict are Symbols.

See keys(::GroupedDataFrame) for more information.

SubDataFrame{<:AbstractDataFrame, <:AbstractIndex, <:AbstractVector{Int}} <: AbstractDataFrame

A view of an AbstractDataFrame. It is returned by a call to the view function on an AbstractDataFrame if a collections of rows and columns are specified.

A SubDataFrame is an AbstractDataFrame, so expect that most DataFrame functions should work. Such methods include describe, summary, nrow, size, by, stack, and join.

If the selection of columns in a parent data frame is passed as : (a colon) then SubDataFrame will always have all columns from the parent, even if they are added or removed after its creation.


julia> df = DataFrame(a=repeat([1, 2, 3, 4], outer=[2]),
                      b=repeat([2, 1], outer=[4]),
8×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      c
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      1
   2 │     2      1      2
   3 │     3      2      3
   4 │     4      1      4
   5 │     1      2      5
   6 │     2      1      6
   7 │     3      2      7
   8 │     4      1      8

julia> sdf1 = view(df, :, 2:3) # column subsetting
8×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ b      c
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     1      2
   3 │     2      3
   4 │     1      4
   5 │     2      5
   6 │     1      6
   7 │     2      7
   8 │     1      8

julia> sdf2 = @view df[end:-1:1, [1, 3]]  # row and column subsetting
8×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ a      c
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     4      8
   2 │     3      7
   3 │     2      6
   4 │     1      5
   5 │     4      4
   6 │     3      3
   7 │     2      2
   8 │     1      1

julia> sdf3 = groupby(df, :a)[1]  # indexing a GroupedDataFrame returns a SubDataFrame
2×3 SubDataFrame
 Row │ a      b      c
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      1
   2 │     1      2      5
DataFrameRows{D<:AbstractDataFrame} <: AbstractVector{DataFrameRow}

Iterator over rows of an AbstractDataFrame, with each row represented as a DataFrameRow.

A value of this type is returned by the eachrow function.


A vector-like object that allows iteration over columns of an AbstractDataFrame.

Indexing into DataFrameColumns objects using integer, Symbol or string returns the corresponding column (without copying). Indexing into DataFrameColumns objects using a multiple column selector returns a subsetted DataFrameColumns object with a new parent containing only the selected columns (without copying).

DataFrameColumns supports most of the AbstractVector API. The key differences are that it is read-only and that the keys function returns a vector of Symbols (and not integers as for normal vectors).

In particular findnext, findprev, findfirst, findlast, and findall functions are supported, and in findnext and findprev functions it is allowed to pass an integer, string, or Symbol as a reference index.

RepeatedVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T}

An AbstractVector that is a view into another AbstractVector with repeated elements

NOTE: Not exported.


RepeatedVector(parent::AbstractVector, inner::Int, outer::Int)


  • parent : the AbstractVector that's repeated
  • inner : the numer of times each element is repeated
  • outer : the numer of times the whole vector is repeated after expanded by inner

inner and outer have the same meaning as similarly named arguments to repeat.


RepeatedVector([1, 2], 3, 1)   # [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
RepeatedVector([1, 2], 1, 3)   # [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]
RepeatedVector([1, 2], 2, 2)   # [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]
StackedVector <: AbstractVector

An AbstractVector that is a linear, concatenated view into another set of AbstractVectors

NOTE: Not exported.




  • d... : one or more AbstractVectors


StackedVector(Any[[1, 2], [9, 10], [11, 12]])  # [1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12]