The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy

Many data analysis tasks involve splitting a data set into groups, applying some functions to each of the groups and then combining the results. A standardized framework for handling this sort of computation is described in the paper "The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis", written by Hadley Wickham.

The DataFrames package supports the split-apply-combine strategy through the groupby function followed by combine, select/select! or transform/transform!.

In order to perform operations by groups you first need to create a GroupedDataFrame object from your data frame using the groupby function that takes two arguments: (1) a data frame to be grouped, and (2) a set of columns to group by.

Operations can then be applied on each group using one of the following functions:

  • combine: does not put restrictions on number of rows returned, the order of rows is specified by the order of groups in GroupedDataFrame; it is typically used to compute summary statistics by group;
  • select: return a data frame with the number and order of rows exactly the same as the source data frame, including only new calculated columns; select! is an in-place version of select;
  • transform: return a data frame with the number and order of rows exactly the same as the source data frame, including all columns from the source and new calculated columns; transform! is an in-place version of transform.

All these functions take a specification of one or more functions to apply to each subset of the DataFrame. This specification can be of the following forms:

  1. standard column selectors (integers, symbols, vectors of integers, vectors of symbols, All, :, Between, Not and regular expressions)
  2. a cols => function pair indicating that function should be called with positional arguments holding columns cols, which can be a any valid column selector
  3. a cols => function => target_col form additionally specifying the name of the target column (this assumes that function returns a single value or a vector)
  4. a col => target_col pair, which renames the column col to target_col
  5. a nrow or nrow => target_col form which efficiently computes the number of rows in a group (without target_col the new column is called :nrow)
  6. several arguments of the forms given above, or vectors thereof
  7. a function which will be called with a SubDataFrame corresponding to each group; this form should be avoided due to its poor performance unless a very large number of columns are processed (in which case SubDataFrame avoids excessive compilation)

As a special rule that applies to cols => function syntax, if cols is wrapped in an AsTable object then a NamedTuple containing columns selected by cols is passed to function.

In all of these cases, function can return either a single row or multiple rows. function can always generate a single column by returning a single value or a vector. Additionally, if combine is passed exactly one function, cols => function, or cols => function => outcol as a first argument and target_col is not specified, function can return multiple columns in the form of an AbstractDataFrame, AbstractMatrix, NamedTuple or DataFrameRow.

select/select! and transform/transform! always return a DataFrame with the same number of rows as the source. For combine, the shape of the resulting DataFrame is determined according to the following rules:

  • a single value produces a single row and column per group
  • a named tuple or DataFrameRow produces a single row and one column per field
  • a vector produces a single column with one row per entry
  • a named tuple of vectors produces one column per field with one row per entry in the vectors
  • a DataFrame or a matrix produces as many rows and columns as it contains; note that this option should be avoided due to its poor performance when the number of groups is large

The kind of return value and the number and names of columns must be the same for all groups.

It is allowed to mix single values and vectors if multiple transformations are requested. In this case single value will be broadcasted to match the length of columns specified by returned vectors. As a particular rule, values wrapped in a Ref or a 0-dimensional AbstractArray are unwrapped and then broadcasted.

If a single value or a vector is returned by the function and target_col is not provided, it is generated automatically, by concatenating source column name and function name where possible (see examples below).

We show several examples of the by function applied to the iris dataset below:

julia> using DataFrames, CSV, Statistics

julia> iris = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath(dirname(pathof(DataFrames)), "../docs/src/assets/iris.csv")))
150×5 DataFrame
│ Row │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species        │
│     │ Float64     │ Float64    │ Float64     │ Float64    │ String         │
│ 1   │ 5.1         │ 3.5        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 2   │ 4.9         │ 3.0        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 3   │ 4.7         │ 3.2        │ 1.3         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 4   │ 4.6         │ 3.1        │ 1.5         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 5   │ 5.0         │ 3.6        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 6   │ 5.4         │ 3.9        │ 1.7         │ 0.4        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 7   │ 4.6         │ 3.4        │ 1.4         │ 0.3        │ Iris-setosa    │
│ 143 │ 5.8         │ 2.7        │ 5.1         │ 1.9        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 144 │ 6.8         │ 3.2        │ 5.9         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 145 │ 6.7         │ 3.3        │ 5.7         │ 2.5        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 146 │ 6.7         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 147 │ 6.3         │ 2.5        │ 5.0         │ 1.9        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 148 │ 6.5         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.0        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 149 │ 6.2         │ 3.4        │ 5.4         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 150 │ 5.9         │ 3.0        │ 5.1         │ 1.8        │ Iris-virginica │

julia> gdf = groupby(iris, :Species)
GroupedDataFrame with 3 groups based on key: Species
First Group (50 rows): Species = "Iris-setosa"
│ Row │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species     │
│     │ Float64     │ Float64    │ Float64     │ Float64    │ String      │
│ 1   │ 5.1         │ 3.5        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 2   │ 4.9         │ 3.0        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 3   │ 4.7         │ 3.2        │ 1.3         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 4   │ 4.6         │ 3.1        │ 1.5         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 5   │ 5.0         │ 3.6        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 6   │ 5.4         │ 3.9        │ 1.7         │ 0.4        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 7   │ 4.6         │ 3.4        │ 1.4         │ 0.3        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 43  │ 4.4         │ 3.2        │ 1.3         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 44  │ 5.0         │ 3.5        │ 1.6         │ 0.6        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 45  │ 5.1         │ 3.8        │ 1.9         │ 0.4        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 46  │ 4.8         │ 3.0        │ 1.4         │ 0.3        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 47  │ 5.1         │ 3.8        │ 1.6         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 48  │ 4.6         │ 3.2        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 49  │ 5.3         │ 3.7        │ 1.5         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
│ 50  │ 5.0         │ 3.3        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ Iris-setosa │
Last Group (50 rows): Species = "Iris-virginica"
│ Row │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species        │
│     │ Float64     │ Float64    │ Float64     │ Float64    │ String         │
│ 1   │ 6.3         │ 3.3        │ 6.0         │ 2.5        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 2   │ 5.8         │ 2.7        │ 5.1         │ 1.9        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 3   │ 7.1         │ 3.0        │ 5.9         │ 2.1        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 4   │ 6.3         │ 2.9        │ 5.6         │ 1.8        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 5   │ 6.5         │ 3.0        │ 5.8         │ 2.2        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 6   │ 7.6         │ 3.0        │ 6.6         │ 2.1        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 7   │ 4.9         │ 2.5        │ 4.5         │ 1.7        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 43  │ 5.8         │ 2.7        │ 5.1         │ 1.9        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 44  │ 6.8         │ 3.2        │ 5.9         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 45  │ 6.7         │ 3.3        │ 5.7         │ 2.5        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 46  │ 6.7         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 47  │ 6.3         │ 2.5        │ 5.0         │ 1.9        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 48  │ 6.5         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.0        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 49  │ 6.2         │ 3.4        │ 5.4         │ 2.3        │ Iris-virginica │
│ 50  │ 5.9         │ 3.0        │ 5.1         │ 1.8        │ Iris-virginica │

julia> combine(gdf, :PetalLength => mean)
3×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ PetalLength_mean │
│     │ String          │ Float64          │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 1.464            │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 4.26             │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 5.552            │

julia> combine(gdf, nrow)
3×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ nrow  │
│     │ String          │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 50    │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 50    │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 50    │

julia> combine(gdf, nrow, :PetalLength => mean => :mean)
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ nrow  │ mean    │
│     │ String          │ Int64 │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 50    │ 1.464   │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 50    │ 4.26    │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 50    │ 5.552   │

julia> combine([:PetalLength, :SepalLength] => (p, s) -> (a=mean(p)/mean(s), b=sum(p)),
               gdf) # multiple columns are passed as arguments
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ a        │ b       │
│     │ String          │ Float64  │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 0.292449 │ 73.2    │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 0.717655 │ 213.0   │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 0.842744 │ 277.6   │

julia> combine(gdf,
               AsTable([:PetalLength, :SepalLength]) =>
               x -> std(x.PetalLength) / std(x.SepalLength)) # passing a NamedTuple
3×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ PetalLength_SepalLength_function │
│     │ String          │ Float64                          │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 0.492245                         │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 0.910378                         │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 0.867923                         │

julia> combine(x -> std(x.PetalLength) / std(x.SepalLength), gdf) # passing a SubDataFrame
3×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ PetalLength_SepalLength_function │
│     │ String          │ Float64                          │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 0.492245                         │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 0.910378                         │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 0.867923                         │

julia> combine(gdf, 1:2 => cor, nrow)
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ SepalLength_SepalWidth_cor │ nrow  │
│     │ String          │ Float64                    │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 0.74678                    │ 50    │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 0.525911                   │ 50    │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 0.457228                   │ 50    │

Contrary to combine, the select and transform functions always return a data frame with the same number and order of rows as the source. In the example below the return values in columns :SepalLength_SepalWidth_cor and :nrow are broadcasted to match the number of elements in each group:

julia> select(gdf, 1:2 => cor)
150×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species        │ SepalLength_SepalWidth_cor │
│     │ String         │ Float64                    │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 2   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 3   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 4   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 5   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 6   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 7   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.74678                    │
│ 143 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 144 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 145 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 146 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 147 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 148 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 149 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │
│ 150 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.457228                   │

julia> transform(gdf, :Species => x -> chop.(x, head=5, tail=0))
150×6 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species        │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species_function │
│     │ String         │ Float64     │ Float64    │ Float64     │ Float64    │ SubString…       │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa    │ 5.1         │ 3.5        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ setosa           │
│ 2   │ Iris-setosa    │ 4.9         │ 3.0        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ setosa           │
│ 3   │ Iris-setosa    │ 4.7         │ 3.2        │ 1.3         │ 0.2        │ setosa           │
│ 4   │ Iris-setosa    │ 4.6         │ 3.1        │ 1.5         │ 0.2        │ setosa           │
│ 5   │ Iris-setosa    │ 5.0         │ 3.6        │ 1.4         │ 0.2        │ setosa           │
│ 6   │ Iris-setosa    │ 5.4         │ 3.9        │ 1.7         │ 0.4        │ setosa           │
│ 7   │ Iris-setosa    │ 4.6         │ 3.4        │ 1.4         │ 0.3        │ setosa           │
│ 143 │ Iris-virginica │ 5.8         │ 2.7        │ 5.1         │ 1.9        │ virginica        │
│ 144 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.8         │ 3.2        │ 5.9         │ 2.3        │ virginica        │
│ 145 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.7         │ 3.3        │ 5.7         │ 2.5        │ virginica        │
│ 146 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.7         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.3        │ virginica        │
│ 147 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.3         │ 2.5        │ 5.0         │ 1.9        │ virginica        │
│ 148 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.5         │ 3.0        │ 5.2         │ 2.0        │ virginica        │
│ 149 │ Iris-virginica │ 6.2         │ 3.4        │ 5.4         │ 2.3        │ virginica        │
│ 150 │ Iris-virginica │ 5.9         │ 3.0        │ 5.1         │ 1.8        │ virginica        │

The combine function also supports the do block form. However, as noted above, this form is slow and should therefore be avoided when performance matters.

julia> combine(gdf) do df
           (m = mean(df.PetalLength), s² = var(df.PetalLength))
3×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ m       │ s²        │
│     │ String          │ Float64 │ Float64   │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 1.464   │ 0.0301061 │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 4.26    │ 0.220816  │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 5.552   │ 0.304588  │

If you only want to split the data set into subsets, use the groupby function:

julia> for subdf in groupby(iris, :Species)
           println(size(subdf, 1))

To also get the values of the grouping columns along with each group, use the pairs function:

julia> for (key, subdf) in pairs(groupby(iris, :Species))
           println("Number of data points for $(key.Species): $(nrow(subdf))")
Number of data points for Iris-setosa: 50
Number of data points for Iris-versicolor: 50
Number of data points for Iris-virginica: 50

The value of key in the previous example is a DataFrames.GroupKey object, which can be used in a similar fashion to a NamedTuple.

Grouping a data frame using the groupby function can be seen as adding a lookup key to it. Such lookups can be performed efficiently by indexing the resulting GroupedDataFrame with a Tuple or NamedTuple:

julia> df = DataFrame(g = repeat(1:1000, inner=5), x = 1:5000);

julia> gdf = groupby(df, :g)
GroupedDataFrame with 1000 groups based on key: g
First Group (5 rows): g = 1
│ Row │ g     │ x     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 1     │
│ 2   │ 1     │ 2     │
│ 3   │ 1     │ 3     │
│ 4   │ 1     │ 4     │
│ 5   │ 1     │ 5     │
Last Group (5 rows): g = 1000
│ Row │ g     │ x     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 1000  │ 4996  │
│ 2   │ 1000  │ 4997  │
│ 3   │ 1000  │ 4998  │
│ 4   │ 1000  │ 4999  │
│ 5   │ 1000  │ 5000  │

julia> gdf[(g=500,)]
5×2 SubDataFrame
│ Row │ g     │ x     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 500   │ 2496  │
│ 2   │ 500   │ 2497  │
│ 3   │ 500   │ 2498  │
│ 4   │ 500   │ 2499  │
│ 5   │ 500   │ 2500  │

julia> gdf[[(500,), (501,)]]
GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: g
First Group (5 rows): g = 500
│ Row │ g     │ x     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 500   │ 2496  │
│ 2   │ 500   │ 2497  │
│ 3   │ 500   │ 2498  │
│ 4   │ 500   │ 2499  │
│ 5   │ 500   │ 2500  │
Last Group (5 rows): g = 501
│ Row │ g     │ x     │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 501   │ 2501  │
│ 2   │ 501   │ 2502  │
│ 3   │ 501   │ 2503  │
│ 4   │ 501   │ 2504  │
│ 5   │ 501   │ 2505  │

In order to apply a function to each non-grouping column of a GroupedDataFrame you can write:

julia> gd = groupby(iris, :Species);

julia> combine(gd, valuecols(gd) .=> mean)
3×5 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species         │ SepalLength_mean │ SepalWidth_mean │ PetalLength_mean │ PetalWidth_mean │
│     │ String          │ Float64          │ Float64         │ Float64          │ Float64         │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa     │ 5.006            │ 3.418           │ 1.464            │ 0.244           │
│ 2   │ Iris-versicolor │ 5.936            │ 2.77            │ 4.26             │ 1.326           │
│ 3   │ Iris-virginica  │ 6.588            │ 2.974           │ 5.552            │ 2.026           │

julia> combine(gd, valuecols(gd) .=> (x -> (x .- mean(x)) ./ std(x)) .=> valuecols(gd))
150×5 DataFrame
│ Row │ Species        │ SepalLength │ SepalWidth │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │
│     │ String         │ Float64     │ Float64    │ Float64     │ Float64    │
│ 1   │ Iris-setosa    │ 0.266674    │ 0.215209   │ -0.368852   │ -0.410411  │
│ 2   │ Iris-setosa    │ -0.300718   │ -1.09704   │ -0.368852   │ -0.410411  │
│ 3   │ Iris-setosa    │ -0.868111   │ -0.572142  │ -0.945184   │ -0.410411  │
│ 4   │ Iris-setosa    │ -1.15181    │ -0.834592  │ 0.207479    │ -0.410411  │
│ 5   │ Iris-setosa    │ -0.0170218  │ 0.47766    │ -0.368852   │ -0.410411  │
│ 6   │ Iris-setosa    │ 1.11776     │ 1.26501    │ 1.36014     │ 1.45509    │
│ 7   │ Iris-setosa    │ -1.15181    │ -0.0472411 │ -0.368852   │ 0.522342   │
│ 143 │ Iris-virginica │ -1.23923    │ -0.849621  │ -0.818997   │ -0.458766  │
│ 144 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.333396    │ 0.700782   │ 0.630555    │ 0.997633   │
│ 145 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.176134    │ 1.01086    │ 0.268167    │ 1.72583    │
│ 146 │ Iris-virginica │ 0.176134    │ 0.080621   │ -0.637803   │ 0.997633   │
│ 147 │ Iris-virginica │ -0.452916   │ -1.46978   │ -1.00019    │ -0.458766  │
│ 148 │ Iris-virginica │ -0.138391   │ 0.080621   │ -0.637803   │ -0.0946659 │
│ 149 │ Iris-virginica │ -0.610178   │ 1.32094    │ -0.275415   │ 0.997633   │
│ 150 │ Iris-virginica │ -1.08197    │ 0.080621   │ -0.818997   │ -0.822865  │